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Africa CDC says critical workforce shortage worsens public health emergencies

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Africa CDC says critical workforce shortage worsens public health emergencies

The Africa Health Workforce Investment Forum is underway in Windhoek, the capital of Namibia.

Africa CDC

Acritical shortage of health workforce has worsened the recurrent public health emergencies on the continent, the head of the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) says.

Jean Kaseya, director-general of Africa CDC, said at the May 6-8 Africa Health Workforce Investment Forum that while Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for approximately 24 per cent of the global disease burden, it is home to only 3 per cent of the world’s health workers.

The Africa Health Workforce Investment Forum is now underway in Windhoek, the capital of Namibia.


How HR and Business Owners Can Foster a Healthy Workplace Culture

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How HR and Business Owners Can Foster a Healthy Workplace Culture

It can be easy to get lost in daily operational work as an HR professional and forget that you are also tasked with building and driving every form of work-related culture in a company or organization. Building a healthy culture takes intentional steps; it doesn’t just happen by chance. What you feed into your culture is what you reap. If you encourage toxicity actively or passively, you reap the fruits. Let me share four tips that have helped me build a positive and healthy work culture.

Hiring for culture fit

During the hiring process, we often focus on technical ability. During interviews, HR professionals sometimes ask questions they shouldn’t. Let the hiring manager do the technical fit while you do the culture fit. HR professionals who don’t know how to interview for culture fit can build leverage on personality tests, behavioral interview techniques and reference checks (this has saved me from making hiring mistakes in the past). There might not be toxicity in the company but hiring a toxic person is a step towards it.

Constant and Consistent Communication

Constant means unceasing while consistent means unchanging. As the culture driver, you should clearly communicate expectations to the people (employees) who would be living the ideal culture you want to achieve. Communicate expectations as it relates to behaviors, performance, collaboration and others. This can be done through the employee handbook, regular training sessions, and ongoing communication from management.

Some things I have implemented which I’ll advise:

  • I introduced employees to a recognition that highlights our core values and encourage them to live it
  • Engagement through our weekly newsletters. Encourage managers to use core values to give feedback to employees. Rather than say, “What you didn’t wasn’t good” you can replace it with “That behavior doesn’t reflect our value of ownership.”
  • Encourage work-life balance

HR professionals run away from this because they think they would be on management’s wrong books if they do this but a healthy culture can only happen if people are healthy. This can be done by offering a flexible work schedule, hybrid/remote work, and encouraging people to take their leave days. There are some cultures where taking your leave makes you an enemy and your job as HR is breaking that cycle. People should be encouraged to rest and not burn out.

Foster employee engagement and employee wellness

People think employee engagement is about sharing small chops in the office. It’s about keeping employees encouraged and motivated. You can do that through regular feedback, recognition and career development. People shouldn’t feel stagnant working with you hence you are wasting your time building a healthy culture. You can also drive wellness by providing employees with access to a therapist and training on stress management.

These are ideas I’ve implemented and have seen progress. One thing to note about culture is all about what you encourage and discourage. If you love to gossip and listen to people backbiting about each other, you’re definitely going to be building a gossip culture where people thrive by pulling others down so beyond these intentional steps, be mindful of the things you are doing as a leader.


The Three Top Qualities of a Talent Acquisition Specialist

3 mn read

The Three Top Qualities of a Talent Acquisition Specialist


Sometimes last year, I interviewed a candidate for an urgent vacancy. I had shortlisted her based on her work experience and qualifications, and I intended to find out more about her during the interview. When I spoke with her on the phone before the interview date, she sounded so confident and very well-spoken.

On the day of the virtual interview, I was so excited to chat with her but all my high hopes were crashed just under a few minutes. Why? What happened? I wasn’t impressed due to her nervousness. She kept mixing up her words and breathing heavily, making concentrating on her answers difficult. I knew she was anxious, and for me to get the best out of her, I had to tweak things. I paused the interview and said to her: “Hey. I want you to please be free with me. I don’t eat or bite, I just want to get to know you better. I want you to see me as a friend, okay? I know you are very nervous right now, but I need you to understand that you were shortlisted for this position because you are qualified for it, okay? So begin to see yourself as that.”

I asked her to exhale three times after the pep talk, and we started the interview all over. This time around, it was so good. She answered all the questions confidently and thanked me profusely for not giving up on her. Another recruiter might have dismissed her for being incompetent, thereby losing out on a great talent. But I decided not to give up on her, and she, likewise, didn’t disappoint.

As a talent acquisition specialist, it is important to be more humane in that position and there are the top three qualities one must imbibe.

The first one is empathy. As an HR professional or recruiter, it’s important to possess the trait of understanding and empathy towards your team or candidates. During interviews, candidates may feel nervous, so it’s your responsibility to ease their anxiety and make them feel comfortable. Building a rapport with them can help them feel more relaxed. To embody this trait, think back to when you were job-hunting and wished to be treated well by recruiters. By being empathetic, you can bring out the best in your candidates.

The second is patience. As a recruiter, it is essential to practice patience because you will come across candidates from various backgrounds and personalities. Some candidates may appear frustrating, slow or friendly, but you should not let their attitudes affect your ability to identify top talent. It is crucial to remain composed and ask relevant questions required for the position you are hiring for. Take your time to select candidates with the right skills and expertise who can be trained to improve their weaknesses. Remember to prioritize quality over the candidate’s personality or behaviour during the hiring process.

The third quality is emotional intelligence. As an HR professional, it is crucial to exhibit a non-negotiable attribute of intentionally making decisions without being solely influenced by emotions or making hasty judgments. This will help you avoid the trap of the Halo and Horn effect that most recruiters usually struggle with due to implicit prejudices. The Halo effect leads to focusing on just one skill that a candidate possesses and wrongly assuming that they will be equally good at other areas, which can lead to missing out on red flags and ultimately resulting in a bad hire. Similarly, the Horn effect makes you concentrate on one negative feature in a candidate and mentally disqualify them concerning other aspects. Therefore, it’s important to ensure you do not let emotions sway your decisions easily, and instead, try to be logical to make the best choices for the company.

HR Professionals should always strive to spread love and kindness wherever they go. It’s important to avoid acting like a mini-god and speaking to candidates condescendingly. Instead, we should aim to reassure them and make them feel comfortable, especially when they start to feel nervous. Your relationship with candidates is crucial in bringing out the best in them. Providing an amazing candidate experience can greatly contribute to your firm’s employer branding, as you are an extension of the company you work for.

What Should We Do About Workplace Bullying?

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What Should We Do About Workplace Bullying?

A recent viral video of bullying has caused people to have different thoughts about how parents should raise their children. While society is quick to condemn school bullying, another crucial area to consider is workplace harassment. Workplace harassment is as widespread as any other form of harassment. It is different from physical assaults that occur in schools or other places, as it often manifests in subtler but equally damaging ways, such as intimidation, manipulation, and sabotage. The perpetrators can be colleagues, supervisors, or even higher-ups in the organizational hierarchy. The consequences of bullying can significantly impact individuals mentally and psychologically, leading to absenteeism, reduced productivity, and talent attrition. I believe there are strategies and actions that anyone experiencing workplace bullying can consider.

Document everything

At some point in your life, it may be necessary for you to speak up for yourself using facts rather than assumptions. To do so, it is helpful to keep detailed records of any incidents that occur, including the date, time and a description of the behavior. This documentation serves as a factual basis for lodging complaints and may also be used as evidence if necessary.

Establish boundaries

Bullies thrive on a sense of power, control, and dominance over others. They also do not like to be confronted with their actions. Set clear boundaries with the bully, firmly but respectfully. Assertive communication can deter further harassment and communicate that such behavior is unacceptable.

Seek support

You may question yourself severally if you are the problem but that will only compound the issue. Reach out to trusted colleagues, mentors, or HR representatives for guidance and support. Strength often lies in solidarity, and sharing experiences with others can help validate your feelings and provide perspective.

Utilize formal channels

Bullies often have support from people within the organization, who allow them to keep behaving in the same way. If informal attempts to resolve the situation are unsuccessful, don’t hesitate to escalate the matter through formal channels. You can also use anonymous channels with proof if you don’t trust the organization. Most organizations have policies and procedures in place to deal with workplace harassment. Exercise your rights and seek recourse through established channels.

Prioritize self-care

Workplace bullying can have a significant negative impact on an individual’s mental and emotional well-being. To minimize the effects of bullying, it is essential to practice self-care activities such as mindfulness, and exercise, and, if needed, seek professional counseling. Remember, your health and well-being come first. If you feel that leaving the job is the best option, then don’t hesitate to update your CV and search for new opportunities.

For HR Professionals and Business owners, it is crucial to lead by example and not bully people to exercise your power. Implementing zero-tolerance policies, training your employees on the implications of bullying if reported, and encouraging open dialogue can help address workplace bullying. Bullies often thrive in an insecure culture where people cannot freely express themselves. Therefore, creating a safe environment where employees can speak up without fear of retaliation is essential.

Addressing workplace bullying requires a collective effort from individuals, organisations, and society at large. By raising awareness, advocating for change, and implementing practical strategies, we can create healthier and more inclusive work environments where all employees can thrive.

What They Don’t Tell You About Working in HR

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What They Don’t Tell You About Working in HR


I recently had a conversation with someone about the realities of building a career in HR. While we discussed the skill sets required, the conversation was more focused on the positive aspects. A career in HR can be highly fulfilling, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. The role is often glamorized, but the truth is that there are difficult moments that are rarely discussed. Let’s take a closer look at these realities and explore what they entail.

Untold reality

One of the stark realities of working in HR is your often misunderstood influence in decision-making. While you may be tasked with advocating for employees or implementing new policies, the final decisions typically rest with management. It can be frustrating to push for change only to see it fall by the wayside due to factors beyond your control. Employees tend to unnecessarily hate you for things beyond your control.

The rope of integrity

HR professionals frequently find themselves walking a tightrope between transparency and diplomacy. There are moments when you’ll need to navigate delicate situations, sometimes masking truths for the sake of maintaining harmony or protecting confidentiality. This can lead to internal conflicts as you question whether you’re truly upholding your integrity or merely appeasing others.

Confidentiality is not as easy as you think

Maintaining confidentiality is a cornerstone of the HR role, but it’s not always as straightforward as it seems. There will be instances where you’re privy to sensitive information or emotional situations, yet you’re required to keep a professional demeanor and refrain from sharing your thoughts or feelings. It can be emotionally taxing to hold onto these secrets, leading to a sense of isolation or burden especially if you do not have a solid support system.

Facing condescension

Despite the vital role HR plays within an organization, there’s a persistent misconception that it’s a lesser career path. You may encounter scepticism or condescension from colleagues in other departments who question your abilities or intellect. It takes resilience to stand firm in your expertise and contributions, even in the face of unwarranted criticism.

Undermined support

HR is often viewed as a support function rather than a strategic partner, which can lead to feeling undervalued or overlooked. Your growth in a company where HR is not the main service offered will be slower than your colleagues who are seen as the ‘lifeline’ of the business. It is sad when people think HR is ‘easy’. Your efforts may be dismissed as secondary to the company’s core objectives. It’s essential to remind yourself of the invaluable role HR plays in shaping organizational culture and employee well-being.

Despite these challenges, it’s important to remember why you chose this career path in the first place. Whether it’s a passion for helping others, driving organization change, or fostering a positive work environment, reconnecting with your purpose can help you navigate the low moments. Yes, there will be tough days where the realities of HR weigh heavily, but there will also be moments of success, connection, and growth that make it all worthwhile. By embracing both the highs and lows, you can cultivate resilience and continue making a meaningful impact in the lives of employees and the success of your organization.

How Can We Regulate Our Minds to Enhance Our Sleeping Ability?

2 mn read

How Can We Regulate Our Minds to Enhance Our Sleeping Ability?

Our internal body clock adjusts to the rhythm of our minds.


Sleeping is a miraculous ability – how we lay in our beds and settle into oblivion. While it seems like an effortless act, sometimes, people find it difficult to fall asleep even when they are ready for bed. This is because several processes are involved in how sleep and the mind plays a key role in controlling how and when we sleep, and the body follows suit.

There are two types of sleepers: those who fall asleep effortlessly and those who suffer from insomnia. A common assumption is that those who fall asleep easily have no worries or issues to deal with. This is not entirely true. Some people sleep a lot despite dealing with a lot in their minds. The difference lies in their ability to shut their minds off when they are exhausted.

For example, some individuals can fall asleep faster than others, but they tend to wake up easily at the slightest noise or distraction, and this is because they are not consciously sleeping. They have many things on their minds that eventually cut them off midway through their sleep.

Insomniacs, on the other hand, struggle to fall asleep. They are often discussed on various platforms, and many people believe that they choose not to sleep or that they are not tired enough to do so. While it is true that many insomniacs tend to overthink, this does not mean that they have many things on their minds or that they will not fall asleep if they can. Insomnia can become a habit as the mind and body become accustomed to staying awake. Our internal body clock adjusts to the rhythm of our minds, and it becomes challenging to fall asleep even when we are tired and need rest.

How do we utilise the mind positively to stimulate us to sleep without hassles?

Knowing how the mind and body work together, we can control both. Once we adopt positive practices to stimulate our minds for sleep, we can train ourselves to fall asleep more easily. This is especially useful for insomniacs.

Avoid drinking fluids a few hours before bedtime. This will prevent the need to use the toilet in the middle of the night, which can disrupt sleep. Avoid stimulants like caffeine in the evening, as they can keep the mind and body alert. Avoid sugary or carbonated foods that may cause discomfort and keep you awake. Engage in some form of exercise each day to tire the body and make it more prone to sleep.

However, despite these hacks, it’s important to teach your mind to shut down, because you’re in charge of it. For insomniacs, you can learn to reschedule or postpone things that keep you up by focusing on your body. Make sure you’re in a comfortable, well-ventilated space for a good night’s sleep. Remember, an unstable sleep schedule brings an unstable routine and life. By practising these mindful habits, your body will be triggered to sleep, and you’ll be more productive each day.


From Pen to Screen: The Inspiring Journey of Wura’s Esteemed Writers

4 mn read

From Pen to Screen: The Inspiring Journey of Wura’s Esteemed Writers

Wura, the gripping action thriller led by the enigmatic Wura-Amoo Adeleke (Scarlet Gomez), is taking viewers through a riveting journey whose path is riddled with junctions of power tussle, turns of unexpected betrayals, and avenues of redemption.

Building on the success of the first season, Wura has continued to capture the hearts of audiences and garner acclaim. It comes as no surprise that the second season is poised to clinch two awards at the upcoming 10th AMVCA ceremony, specifically in the categories of Best Writing TV Series and Best Scripted Series.

Behind all the intrigue, twists, turns, and scandalous moments is the hard work and artistry of scripts and storytelling, crafted by the writers who ensure viewers are hooked from start to finish.

Here are three exceptional writers who have contributed their talents to the captivating Wura, helping the series earn nominations at the prestigious AMVCAs.

Musa Jeffery David 

Musa Jeffery David is the head writer of the series. A seasoned screenwriter with a knack for blending artistry with commercial appeal, David has a decade of experience in the film and TV industry.

Before Wura, David’s talent had earned him nominations in the AMVCA Best Writer in a Movie for Kanaani in 2023, and he is a recipient of the Homevida Award for the best short script for Life in a Day.

He has also contributed to several notable projects as a head writer. His writing credits include Refuge, Chronicles, and more recently, Glasshouse, currently showing on Africa Magic. Additionally, he has contributed as a writer or co-writer to the following projects: Blood Vessel, Hijack 93, and Lockdown.

David’s work on Wura showcases his skill in crafting compelling stories that keep audiences on the edge of their seats, and he’s writing his way into the top echelons of the creative industry, one story at a time.

Olumide Kuti

Born and bred in Lagos, Olumide Kuti is an award-winning writer with a decade of writing experience. Kuti had his TV break as the head writer for the TV series Borokini, a 120-episode series that ran for two seasons on Africa Magic. From there, he has created and written for shows such as the popular Africa Magic series The Johnsons, as well as Inside Life, Onaiwu, With Love from Death, The Devil’s Selfie, and Inyewe.

He says his writing is characterised by “wittiness, stylized banter, vivid descriptions, a kick against a social norm, and references to people in our everyday lives.”

Kuti’s journey from poet to TV writer is a testament to his passion and determination. As one of the writers on Wura, he infuses each episode with his unique flair, keeping audiences hooked with every twist and turn.

When Kuti is not writing, he is offering his service for free to tutor university and secondary school students. He shares “everything I have learned about how to masterfully craft stories that resonate deeply, tug at heartstrings, and push the boundaries of imagination,” he says.

Esther Oyiza Kokori

Esther Oyiza Kokori’s journey into the realm of storytelling is nothing short of inspirational. From penning short stories in her teenage years to becoming a renowned figure in Nigeria’s film industry, Kokori’s dedication to her craft shines through in every project she undertakes.

Despite facing opposition, she pursued her passion and honed her skills at a film school in Lagos. The breakthrough came with her role in the television series Battleground, produced by Africa Magic. This catapulted her into the limelight. Since then, Kokori has showcased her versatility by delving into various forms of storytelling, from television series to feature films, podcasts, documentaries, reality shows, and beyond.

For Kokori, writing is not just a profession; it’s a calling—an exhilarating experience that fuels her creativity with each new project. In her writing, she says: “My narrative approach centres on the intricate interplay of plot and character development, believing that the essence of any compelling story lies in the authenticity of its characters and their emotional depth.”

Wura stands as a testament to Kokori’s talent and dedication, earning her well-deserved recognition in the form of nominations and accolades. Her touch of “inviting audiences into worlds crafted by imagination and grounded in human truth” has no doubt been instrumental in shaping the series into a compelling drama that captivates viewers week after week.

As we celebrate these remarkable writers and fans gear up for the milestone edition of the AMVCA on May 11, 2024, it’s worth noting that Wura S2 is still streaming exclusively on Showmax.

Honeydrop Drops Debut EP “Delayed Not Denied”

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Honeydrop Drops Debut EP “Delayed Not Denied”

Santabella Music Empire’s artist, Honeydrop, is taking her music career to higher grounds with the release of her debut EP “Delayed Not Denied.”

This EP is a testament to Honeydrop’s undeniable talent and passion for music. With soulful melodies, infectious beats, and heartfelt lyrics, each track tells a story of resilience, triumph, and the power of perseverance.



Chimezie Imo’s “Strawberry Chinny” Lands World Premiere at Essence Film Festival

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Chimezie Imo’s “Strawberry Chinny” Lands World Premiere at Essence Film Festival


Actor and film producer Chimezie Imo is gearing up for a major moment. His debut production, “Strawberry Chinny,” is primed for its world premiere at the prestigious Essence Film Festival in New Orleans, Louisiana. It will be showcased in the “Cultural Connections” section of the festival from July 4th to July 7th.

For Chimezie, this selection marks a monumental moment. “To have our debut film selected at the Essence Film Festival feels like a step in the right direction for my company, Vox Cinematic Films,” he tells ShockNG.

Directed by Cheta Chukwu and co-produced by a team including Kele, Ngozi Okafor, and Chimezie himself, “Strawberry Chinny” follows the story of an irrational heartbroken makeup artist who, after being dumped by her boyfriend, navigates a complicated living arrangement with her best friend. It stars Genoveva Umeh, Modola Osifuwa, Obehi Aburime and Chimezie Imo.

“The heart of “Strawberry Chinny” lies in its reliability, explains Cheta. “We aimed to create characters that feel like old friends, inviting the audience to laugh, cry, and reflect on their own journey.”



Here’s what happens when lightning strikes a plane, it occurs more often than you think

5 mn read

Here’s what happens when lightning strikes a plane, it occurs more often than you think

Lightning strikes on planes occur more than you think and here is what happens

An AI generated scene depicting a commercial airplane being struck by lightning in the sky

Imagine cruising at 30,000 feet when suddenly, a bright flash of light pierces through the sky—your plane has been struck by lightning!

This alarming scenario might sound like a rare disaster waiting to happen. Still, lightning strikes on aeroplanes are more common than one might think, occurring approximately once per aircraft annually.

While the idea of electricity meeting an airborne vessel can be unnerving, modern aviation technology ensures that these high-voltage encounters are safe for everyone on board.

In this article, we look at the fascinating science behind lightning, how aircraft are engineered to withstand such strikes and the robust safety measures that keep passengers safe.

Whether you’re an aviation enthusiast or a curious traveler, understanding the interplay between lightning and aeroplanes will demystify one of nature’s most dramatic phenomena and explain why it’s a critical topic for everyone in the skies.

Lightning is a powerful electrical discharge caused by imbalances between storm clouds and the Earth or within the clouds themselves.

This spectacular natural phenomenon occurs when the negative charges (electrons) in the bottom of the cloud are attracted to the positive charges (protons) in the ground, another cloud, or within the same cloud.

When these opposite charges build up enough tension, the insulating capacity of the air breaks down, and a rapid flow of electricity—lightning—zaps through to equalize these charges.

<img class="image lazyloaded imgWithMetaData aligncenter" title="Lightning illuminates the horizon behind a Malaysian cityscape." src="data:;base64,” alt=”Lightning illuminates the horizon behind a Malaysian cityscape.” width=”759″ height=”570″ data-original=”https://ocdn.eu/pulscms-transforms/1/-Z_ktkpTURBXy82OTFlNGVjM2UwOTFiNGYzYzdiYmM2YmVjMjYyYmE2OS5wbmeRlQLNAvfNAjrCww” />

When lightning finds its target, the interaction is both swift and fiery. Upon striking an object, the lightning’s immense electrical current flows through it, seeking the path of least resistance to the ground.

This current can heat the air around it to an astonishing 30,000 degrees Celsius, which is about five times hotter than the surface of the sun, leading to the explosive expansion of air that creates the thunder we hear following a flash.

For objects struck, this can mean sudden and extreme temperature increases, potential burning, and electrical damage, depending on their conductive properties and the strike’s intensity.

Aircraft are designed to fly through storms, but pilots are trained to avoid them to minimize risk to aircraft and passengers.

Flight routes are planned in advance to avoid problem areas based on predicted weather movements.

Aeroplanes are marvels of engineering and have the ability to safely endure lightning strikes with minimal to no damage.

This capability is embedded in the very design and materials used to construct modern aircraft.

The primary material used in aeroplane construction is aluminium, which, aside from being lightweight and strong, is also an excellent conductor of electricity.

<img class="image lazyloaded imgWithMetaData aligncenter" title="A diagram explaining how planes are designed to withstand lightning strikes" src="data:;base64,” alt=”A diagram explaining how planes are designed to withstand lightning strikes” width=”790″ height=”519″ data-original=”https://ocdn.eu/pulscms-transforms/1/8cuktkpTURBXy84NjE3ZDBjMDJmN2NlOTc5MTcwMmI4YmQ2OTQ5NmQ4NC5wbmeRlQLNAxbNAgfCww” />

This conductivity is crucial because it allows the electrical charge from a lightning strike to spread quickly across the aircraft’s exterior, reducing the chance of concentrated heating and damage in any single spot.

In addition to using conductive materials, aircraft are equipped with specific design features that enhance their lightning resilience.

One such feature is the inclusion of static wicks—small, conductive extensions located at the trailing edges of the wings and tail.

These wicks are designed to dissipate the electrical charge accumulated from flying through highly charged regions in the atmosphere, thereby reducing the likelihood of a lightning strike.


Furthermore, critical systems and components, such as fuel tanks and electronic navigation instruments, are specially shielded against electromagnetic interference caused by lightning.

This shielding ensures that even if an aeroplane is struck, the vital systems remain operational, maintaining the aircraft’s functionality and safety.

The engineering standards governing these designs are rigorous, ensuring every aircraft meets stringent safety criteria before it takes to the skies.

This comprehensive approach to design not only protects the plane but also ensures the safety of all passengers and crew onboard.


  1. Initial Contact: Typically, the lightning strike initiates when the airplane flies through a highly charged area in the atmosphere. The plane itself can act as a trigger for the discharge, with the strike often attaching to a sharp extremity of the plane such as the nose or the wingtips where the electrical charge concentrates.
  2. Channelling the Current: Upon making contact, the lightning’s electrical current enters the aircraft at the initial strike point. Due to the aeroplane’s conductive aluminium skin, this high-voltage current rapidly spreads across the exterior of the fuselage.
  3. Travelling Path: The electricity moves along the path of least resistance. Aircraft designers strategically utilize the conductive framework of the plane to guide the lightning’s flow towards the extremities—such as the tips of the wings and the tail. This careful routing is crucial for controlling the energy and minimising potential damage.
  4. Exiting the Aircraft: After traversing the length of the aeroplane, the lightning exits, usually from another sharp point such as a static wick or the tail. These points facilitate the safe expulsion of the electrical charge back into the atmosphere.
  5. Dissipation: Once the lightning has exited, its residual charge dissipates into the air, and the aeroplane’s systems check for functionality. The robust shielding around critical systems ensures that the aircraft’s operational capabilities remain unaffected, allowing it to continue its flight safely.
<img class="image lazyloaded imgWithMetaData aligncenter" title="An AI generated scene depicting a commercial airplane being struck by lightning in the sky" src="data:;base64,” alt=”An AI generated scene depicting a commercial airplane being struck by lightning in the sky” width=”790″ height=”451″ data-original=”https://ocdn.eu/pulscms-transforms/1/yHKktkpTURBXy8yZjY0NGNlMDhjYTdkMWFmYmVmOTI4NzY1OTYyYzNhOS5wbmeRlQLNAxbNAcPCww” />

Lightning strikes on planes are surprisingly frequent yet remarkably safe due to advanced aeronautical engineering.

On average, each aircraft is estimated to be struck by lightning once or twice per year.

Despite this frequency, the last known commercial plane crash attributed directly to lightning occurred over 50 years ago, in 1967.

Since then, improvements in aircraft design and maintenance have significantly mitigated risks, making lightning strikes a manageable aspect of flight safety.

Statistically, lightning poses minimal risk to the integrity of modern aircraft or the safety of its passengers.

The aviation industry’s rigorous standards for lightning protection ensure that the millions of commercial flights that take off each year experience lightning strikes without incident, maintaining an exemplary safety record.

Lightning strikes might seem like a formidable threat to aircraft, but as we’ve explored, modern aviation technology has turned this natural phenomenon into a manageable occurrence.

Aircraft are ingeniously designed with conductive materials and specialized features such as static wicks that safely channel and expel electrical charges.

These design principles ensure that when a plane is struck by lightning, the electrical current is efficiently distributed and dissipated without harming the aircraft’s structure or critical systems.

The statistical rarity of lightning-related incidents in aviation over the past several decades underscores the effectiveness of these protective measures.

Passengers can take comfort in knowing that today’s aircraft are built not just to withstand the common lightning strike, but to do so with such reliability that it barely registers as a risk in the realm of air travel.

Does your partner exhibit manipulative behaviours? Here’s how to tell

2 mn read

Does your partner exhibit manipulative behaviors? Here’s how to tell

A healthy relationship would never leave you feeling emotionally drained, confused, or guilty.

Are you in a manipulative relationship? [AdobeStock]

Manipulators can be subtle, acting sweet and caring, but their underlying intention is far from genuine.

How can you tell if your partner exhibits manipulative behaviors? Let’s discuss some of the common traits to watch out for:

Gaslighting is a psychological manipulation tactic in which manipulators make you doubt your perceptions, memories, or sanity. They distort your reality by denying their actions, blaming you for their problems, or making you feel like you’re overreacting.

Manipulators resort to lies to protect their own interests, avoid responsibility, or maintain control. They’ll tell exaggerated stories and out rightly fabricate details to suit their narrative.

Another common manipulative tactic is the silent treatment, aimed at exerting control and causing emotional distress. Manipulators withhold communication and affection to punish or control. By ignoring your calls, texts, and emails, they put you in that position where you keep running back and begging for their attention.

This is a frequent tactic employed by manipulative people. They intentionally make you feel guilty, even for minor things, rarely owning up to their mistakes or wrongdoings. Manipulators play the victim card to shift blame and use guilt-tripping to manipulate you into doing what they want.

Passive-aggressive behavior is a subtle but damaging form of manipulation. Manipulators express anger or hostility indirectly, withdrawing their affection or making snide remarks to show their displeasure. They might use phrases like ‘It’s fine,’ especially when all is not well, just to indirectly show they’re upset with you.

Manipulators sometimes resort to fear or threats to control a person’s behavior. They may use physical intimidation, verbal threats, or emotional blackmail to coerce you into compliance.

  • You constantly feel drained, confused, or guilty.
  • You are constantly criticized or belittled.
  • Your partner has unreasonable demands and expectations.
  • Your partner tries to isolate you from your friends and family.
  • You feel like you are constantly walking on eggshells around your partner.
  • Recognize the signs of manipulative behavior.
  • Set boundaries and communicate them clearly.
  • Don’t be afraid to leave that toxic relationship.


Run away from people who do these 3 manipulative things to you

2 mn read

Run away from people who do these 3 manipulative things to you

Sometimes, we are unable to see the red flags that signal danger.

Manipulation is common in all sorts of relationships [Adobe Stock]

More and more people talk about the phenomenon of toxic relationships that insidiously destroy our everyday life.

JUST IN: 200 jobs at risk as Microsoft shuts down innovation centre in Lagos Nigeria 🇳🇬

< 1 mn read

JUST IN: 200 jobs at risk as Microsoft shuts down innovation centre in Lagos Nigeria 🇳🇬

See the teaser for Enioluwa Adeoluwa’s upcoming limited series ‘All of Us’

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See the teaser for Enioluwa Adeoluwa’s upcoming limited series ‘All of Us’

Enioluwa Adeoluwa is making his producer debut with the upcoming summer series All of Us, exploring friendship, sexual assault, and the challenges of secondary school life.

Enioluwa Adeoluwa dropped a teaser for his upcoming limited series, All of Us [Instagram/enioluwaofficial]

Enioluwa first announced the project in March 2024, with a heartfelt Instagram post, expressing his excitement and nervousness, saying, “Doing it scared. Unsure. Afraid. But doing it anyway.

Additionally, he disclosed his partnership with the Nigerian influencer group The Geng NG, stating, “Working with the most amazing people on this, including @thegengng We are set to start Principal Photography and we are excited to create for you all.❤️

<img class="image lazyloaded imgWithMetaData aligncenter" title="Enioluwa Adeoluwa dropped a teaser for his upcoming limited series, All of Us [Instagram/enioluwaofficial]" src="data:;base64,” alt=”Enioluwa Adeoluwa dropped a teaser for his upcoming limited series, All of Us [Instagram/enioluwaofficial]” width=”790″ height=”988″ data-original=”https://ocdn.eu/pulscms-transforms/1/dElktkpTURBXy9lZjQzZDgyZTU0MTY5Yjg4MmRlOGU1MmE0NzBlZTRhOC5qcGeRlQLNAxbNA9zCww” />

The series is written by Emmanuel “Mannie” Oiseomaye. Though specific plot details remain under wraps, the series is confirmed to explore themes of friendship, sexual assault, and the complexities of life in secondary school. Oluchi Mary Nsofor and Orire Nwani Hummer co-directed.

All of Us boasts an ensemble cast that includes a group of rising stars, as well as established talents from the Nollywood film industry, which includes Shaffy Bello, Iyabo Ojo, Priscilla Ojo, Yemi Solade, Kate Henshaw, Jemima Osunde, Uzee Usman, Saga Adeolu, and Divine Angel Onyinyechi.

British actor Bernard Hill of ‘Titanic’ is dead

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British actor Bernard Hill of ‘Titanic’ is dead

Veteran British actor, Bernard Hill, best known for his roles in ‘Titanic’ and ‘Lord of the Rings’, has passed away at the age of 79.

His agent, Lou Coulson, confirmed the news and stated that Hill died on Sunday morning in the presence of his fiancée Alison and his son Gabriel.

Hill rose to fame after his appearance in the 1982 BBC TV drama ‘Boys from the Blackstuff’.

He gained global recognition for his portrayals of Captain Edward Smith in the 1997 Oscar-winning movie ‘Titanic’ and King Théoden in the ‘Lord of the Rings’ trilogy.

ENTERTAINMENTCharly Boy berates Tinubu’s aide, Onanuga for referring to Obi as ‘bitter’

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Charly Boy berates Tinubu’s aide, Onanuga for referring to Obi as ‘bitter’

Veteran singer Charles Oputa, popularly known as Charly Boy, has berated the Special Adviser to President Bola Tinubu on Information and Strategy, Bayo Onanuga, for referring to the presidential candidate of the Labour Party in the last election, Peter Obi as “bitter”.

Onanuga had referred to Peter Obi as “Bitter Obi” while quoting a tweet mocking the former Anambra State governor’s recent outing in Canada.

Reacting, Charly Boy expressed disappointment over Onanuga’s action, saying “such disgusting name-calling” on Obi who “never sponsored any form of violence against the state or government” was uncalled for.

He urged the presidential aide to focus on tackling the poor performance of the Naira in the forex market, insecurity, hunger, poverty and corruption ravaging the administration of his boss.

On his X handle on Monday, Charly Boy wrote: “We are saddened and disappointed at Mr. Bayo Onanuga for addressing HE Peter Obi as “Bitter Obi” such disgusting name-calling on an active and dedicated citizen like HE Peter Obi who has never sponsored any form of violence against the State or the government is uncalled-for.

“As loyal supporters of HE Peter Obi, any form of attack on HE Peter Obi is an absolute attack on well-meaning Nigerians. Mr. Bayo must refrain from attacking Obi as such will not give Nigerians the needed good governance rather.

“Mr. Bayo Must focus on the fall of Naira, insecurity, hunger, poverty, corruption ravaging the incompetent government of Tinubu.”

ENTERTAINMENTCharly Boy expresses concern over Tinubu’s ‘unannounced’ London trip

2 mn read

Charly Boy expresses concern over Tinubu’s ‘unannounced’ London trip

Maverick singer, Charles Oputa, aka Charly Boy, has expressed concern over President Bola Tinubu’s health following his recent unannounced trip to London.

DAILY POST recalls that President Tinubu reportedly left Riyadh, Saudi Arabia for London, England, after attending the World Economic Forum in the Gulf nation.

Tinubu has been in transit since jetting out of Nigeria for the Netherlands on April 23.

Maverick singer, Charles Oputa, aka Charly Boy, has expressed concern over President Bola Tinubu’s health following his recent unannounced trip to London.

DAILY POST recalls that President Tinubu reportedly left Riyadh, Saudi Arabia for London, England, after attending the World Economic Forum in the Gulf nation.

Tinubu has been in transit since jetting out of Nigeria for the Netherlands on April 23.

The silence of the Presidency on Tinubu’s unannounced trip to London has continued to generate reactions.

Reacting, Charly Boy wondered if all is well with the President.

He accused the Presidency of “over heating the country with very fake and twisted lies”.

According to him, Tinubu is unfit to govern Nigeria and should resign.

On his X handle on Monday, Charly Boy wrote: “Come oooo. Wey una President? Is all well with him?

“Tinubu’s propaganda machine has been over heating the country with very fake and twisted lies, but propaganda cannot substitute for economic policies.

“Come ooooo, na Peter Obi make Nigerians dey suffer like dis? Na Peter Obi show APC how empty dey are?

“Has fake propaganda become the tactic deployed by APC in all political strata, to continue disparaging and attacking any perceived opposition with all ethnic and religious spears by their cronies. Obi has continued to bore the brunt of these malicious individuals.

“Nigeria has failed. Tinubu pls resign, this work pass you.”



ENTERTAINMENT‘Why I’ve been celibate for two years’ – Craig David

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‘Why I’ve been celibate for two years’ – Craig David

British R&B star Craig David has revealed that he has abstained from sex for two years.

The 43-year-old singer explained that he has been celibate because he wanted to take a step back from intimacy to “heal his own issues.”

David added that abstaining from intimacy has also boosted his creativity.

British R&B star Craig David has revealed that he has abstained from sex for two years.

The 43-year-old singer explained that he has been celibate because he wanted to take a step back from intimacy to “heal his own issues.”

David added that abstaining from intimacy has also boosted his creativity.

“It’s been two years now for me [without sex]. But funnily, much as I was like, ‘Wow!’ to myself for the moment, [my] creativity has been on a 100, on a max, for those two years,” he stated in a recent interview with TMZ.

The ‘Fill Me In’ crooner said he hopes celibacy will “mentally” prepare him for his next relationship.

Celebrities mourn actor Jnr Pope who would have turned a year older today

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Celebrities mourn actor Jnr Pope who would have turned a year older today


Celebrities mourn actor Jnr Pope who would have turned a year older today

Nigerian celebrities have taken to social media to mourn actor, John Paul Odonwodo aka Jnr Pope who would have turned a year older today May 7. Recall that the actor d!ed in a boat mishap in Anam river on April 10.

See the different posts below

Celebrities mourn actor Jnr Pope who would have turned a year older today
Celebrities mourn actor Jnr Pope who would have turned a year older today
Celebrities mourn actor Jnr Pope who would have turned a year older today

ENTERTAINMENT‘I’m not your mate in this industry’ – Actress Etinosa Idemudia tells BBNaija Pere

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‘I’m not your mate in this industry’ – Actress Etinosa Idemudia tells BBNaija Pere

Nollywood actress Etinosa Idemudia has confirmed receiving a refund from Big Brother Naija reality star, Pere, after she called him out over an unpaid debt.

The actress, who had earlier taken to her X handle, threatening to arrest an BBNaija ex-housemate over unpaid debt, later disclosed that she had been refunded.

She went on to reveal Pere as the debtor, saying he was paid for a movie role but failed to show up.

Etinosa also warned the reality star that she isn’t his mate in the entertainment industry.

On her X handle, she wrote: “Payment received in full. Dear @PereEgbi if you know you can’t do a job you were paid for, respectfully refund without stress. It helps your integrity. P.S. I am not your mate in this industry. Cheers.

“We allow bad behaviour too much in this industry. If you can’t keep to your agreement with a producer, don’t take his or her money. Nobody plucks money from trees. Keep your bad stinking work ethics at home when you come on set. Etinosa Idemudia 2024. God bless us all.”