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Toilet bowls are a common household fixture, yet they’re often surrounded by myths and misconceptions. Here, we clear up some of the most common myths:

  1. THE CORIOLIS EFFECT DETERMINES TOILET FLUSHING DIRECTION The myth that the Coriolis effect—the force from the Earth’s rotation—determines the direction water spins in toilets across hemispheres is widespread. In reality, the Coriolis effect influences large-scale weather patterns, not the water in your toilet. The direction of the flush is determined by the design of the toilet and the angle at which water is introduced.
  2. RODENTS AND REPTILES CAN REGULARLY CLIMB UP THROUGH YOUR TOILET Urban legends and viral videos have suggested that rats, snakes, and other creatures frequently emerge from toilets. While possible, it is highly unlikely due to modern plumbing systems being designed with traps and vents that prevent such occurrences. Incidents involving animals in toilets are rare and usually involve specific plumbing issues or damage.
  3. YOU CAN CATCH DISEASES DIRECTLY FROM TOILET SEATS There is a common fear that public toilet seats can transmit sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or other diseases. However, most pathogens found on toilet seats do not survive long on cold surfaces, and STIs require a point of entry like a cut or sore. Regular cleaning and basic hygiene practices are usually sufficient to manage any risk.
  4. FLUSHING WITH THE LID UP IS HARMLESS Flushing with the lid up can lead to ‘toilet plume,’ where droplets are propelled into the air, potentially spreading bacteria and viruses from the bowl. Closing the lid before flushing can help reduce the spread of germs and maintain a more sanitary environment.

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