The direction of lines on your palms can determine when you’ll find success

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The direction of lines on your palms can determine when you’ll find success

What do the shape of the lines on your palms say about your future?

For palmistry experts, the fish symbol on a person's hand indicates his spirituality and inner peace [Sky News]

The fish symbol on the hand may be formed by two curved lines that intersect at one end to form a tail

This sign may also be formed by two overlapping triangles. You may see one or more of these symbols on your hand.

The fish is one of the symbols of palmistry (especially Indian and Chinese), the ancient art of reading human palms. Its experts interpret the shape of hands and fingers, skin color, as well as patterns, lines and shapes on the skin of the hands.

These can be, for example, squares, triangles, circles and a shape that closely resembles a fish. Based on the collected information, they are able not only to determine a person’s personality and character, but also to outline the scenario of his or her life, including: love life, career, health.

According to palmistry, the dominant hand is the one we use most often. For right-handed people it will be the right hand, for left-handed people it will be the left hand. It is believed that the more active hand represents our consciousness and current life (including our actions, habits, worldview), while the less used one is responsible for what is hidden and what we have no influence on – in other words, for the future.

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The fish symbol can be seen in various places on the inside of the hand. Depending on its location, different meanings are assigned to it. However, one thing remains constant – it is a sign of blessing and prosperity.

Unfortunately, this symbol rarely appears on hands. Are you one of the lucky ones? Be sure to check what this means for you.

A person whose fish symbol is clear and the lines have no obvious “breaks” has reasons to be satisfied. According to palmistry, people with this sign are usually well-educated, wise and gentle. They often achieve a high position in society, sometimes even fame. This symbol also provides wealth and financial independence.

If the fish’s head is pointing upwards, towards the fingers, it may suggest that the person will achieve success in life already in his youth.

If the head is directed downwards, towards the wrist, you can expect success in middle age, around 40-50 years.

If the fish’s head is directed sideways, prosperity and fortune will favour us throughout our lives.

If a woman has the Pisces sign on her dominant hand, there are good chances that she will find a good husband and be happy in marriage . What’s more, it can help your spouse achieve financial success.

Fish is also a sign of generosity and kindness. People with visible signs of fish on their hands are always ready to help others.

For Chinese palmistry experts, the fish symbol on a person’s hand indicates his spirituality and inner peace, which is felt by those around him.

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