Speaker Abbas Withdraws Controversial ‘Counter Subversion Bill’ Amid Public Outcry

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Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rt. Hon. Abbas Tajudeen, has withdrawn the controversial Counter Subversion Bill, demonstrating his commitment to unity and peace in Nigeria.

The decision follows extensive consultations with stakeholders and a careful assessment of the nation’s current climate, reflecting Speaker Abbas’s responsiveness to public sentiment. The bill, introduced on July 23, 2024, had generated widespread debate and concern across the country.

In his statement, Speaker Abbas emphasized that the House of Representatives is dedicated to being a true representation of the citizens’ will. He assured the public that he would not support any actions that could disrupt the peace and unity of the nation.

The withdrawal of the bill serves as a clear indication that the voices of Nigerians are heard and respected in the legislative process, reinforcing the Speaker’s commitment to fostering a transparent and inclusive governance environment.

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