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In a recent discussion on the fundamental roles of government branches, a legal expert emphasized the importance of the legislature as the first arm of democracy in Nigeria, stating that it must reclaim its authority to prevent the emergence of a one-party state. He drew comparisons to the historical Watergate scandal in the United States, where checks and balances among branches of government were crucial in upholding democracy.

The expert noted that in Nigeria, the legislature often feels subordinate to the executive branch, which undermines its role in providing checks and balances. “Those who are in the legislature feel that they are the houseboys of the executive,” he lamented, stressing the need for legislators to assert their independence and authority.

Referencing the Watergate scandal, he highlighted how the investigation into President Richard Nixon’s administration revealed the necessity of a robust legislative branch capable of holding the executive accountable. The Supreme Court’s ruling in United States v. Nixon (1974) exemplified the judiciary’s role in resolving conflicts between the legislative and executive branches, reinforcing the concept of separation of powers.

The expert reiterated the words of the Chief Justice at the time, who emphasized that while each branch has its powers, they must remain distinct and safeguard their respective roles. He warned that if the current trend continues, where the legislature becomes a mere appendage to the executive, Nigeria risks transitioning into a one-party state, which he described as more oppressive than a military regime.

“The judiciary should stand up and declare when things are wrong,” he stated, underscoring the judiciary’s vital role in maintaining a balance of power. He invoked the symbol of justice, represented by a blindfolded lady holding a sword and balance, to illustrate that judges must focus on the facts rather than the individuals involved.

The expert cautioned against the dangers of one-party dominance, stating, “When a party wins all the chairmanship and local government council seats, it is very dangerous. It is wrong on its face, and it sends a message that there is no avenue for complaint.” He expressed hope that the judiciary would act as a corrective force, citing ongoing legal actions in Imo State as examples of accountability.

In conclusion, he called for a renewed commitment from both the legislature and judiciary to uphold democratic principles and safeguard the interests of the Nigerian people.

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