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The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) has released its Petroleum Products Distribution Statistics for 2023, revealing a significant year-on-year (YoY) decline in the volume of Premium Motor Spirit (PMS), commonly known as petrol. The volume of PMS fell by 12.6%, from 23.24 billion litres in 2022 to 20.29 billion litres in 2023. Additionally, PMS truck volumes decreased by 16.9%, dropping from 24.35 billion litres in 2022 to 20.22 billion litres in 2023.

In contrast, the report indicated an increase in the importation of Automotive Gas Oil (AGO), also known as diesel. Imports rose to 4.94 billion litres in 2023, up from 4.00 billion litres in the previous year. Local production of AGO also experienced a slight increase, with 109.39 million litres produced in 2023, representing a 6.76% growth from 102.47 million litres in 2022.

The production of Household Kerosene (HHK) saw a significant surge, growing by 56% YoY to 69.7 million litres in 2023, compared to 44.68 million litres in 2022. However, local production of petrol has not been reported since 2018, when it peaked at 128.08 million litres.

The NBS stated, “In 2023, PMS truck volume stood at 20.22 billion litres, indicating a 16.96% decrease relative to 24.35 billion litres recorded in 2022. About 69.71 million litres of HHK were locally produced in 2023 compared to 44.68 million litres in 2022, indicating a growth rate of 56.02% over the period. For AGO, 109.39 million litres were locally produced in 2023, higher than the 102.47 million litres reported in 2022.”

The report also highlighted that 20.30 billion litres of PMS were imported in 2023, down 13.77% from 23.54 billion litres in 2022, indicating a decreasing reliance on imported petrol amidst ongoing challenges in the domestic fuel market.

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