Edo commissioner fights dirty with fellow Obidients over support for Ighodalo

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Ogbeide Ifaluyi-Isibor and the Obidient Community

Ogbeide Ifaluyi-Isibor, a prominent member of the Obidient community and the current Edo State Commissioner for Digital Economy, Science, and Technology, has sparked controversy by supporting Asue Ighodalo for governorship instead of Olumide Akpata, whom some Obidients argue is endorsed by Peter Obi.

Key Points:

  • Background: Ifaluyi-Isibor, previously a supporter of Peter Obi and the Labour Party (LP), has shifted his allegiance to support Asue Ighodalo, a candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), in the upcoming Edo State election.
  • Controversy: Some members of the Obidient community have criticized Ifaluyi-Isibor for not aligning with Peter Obi’s endorsement of Olumide Akpata, arguing that loyalty to Obi should supersede personal preferences in political support.
  • Response: Ifaluyi-Isibor defended his stance, asserting that he has the right to support any candidate of his choice, regardless of endorsements. He dismissed criticisms from fellow Obidients, stating that their opinions hold no significance to him.
  • Online Exchange: On social media, particularly X (formerly Twitter), Ifaluyi-Isibor engaged in heated exchanges with critics, labeling them as ‘strangers’ and dismissing their objections with strong words.

Conclusion: The situation underscores divisions within the Obidient community over political allegiances and personal autonomy in supporting candidates. Ifaluyi-Isibor’s firm stance highlights the complexities of balancing personal convictions with community expectations in Nigerian politics.

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