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Monday, March 10, 2025

Avoid these 4 terrible tips if you plan to lose weight

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Jay Fiona
Jay Fiona
Personal blog
3 mn read

Avoid these 4 terrible tips if you plan to lose weight

We most often repeat dietary myths about weight loss, which, despite our determination, simply do not work.

Black woman trying to lose weight [Nina Cherie Franklin]

Weight loss is a real topic, with many treacherous currents. I think everyone should realize that there are more myths around losing weight than facts that could actually help us.

Because we willingly use and repeat them, most of these beliefs become very credible in our opinion. If you follow these four terrible tips, be prepared for them not to work.

Many of us tirelessly fight for our dream figure, and even though we have tried a million diets, tips and exclusions, the belly fat is doing great.

Very often, instead of seeking help from a professional, i.e. a dietitian, we look for advice from friends or on the internet. Unfortunately, we most often repeat dietary myths about weight loss, which, despite our determination, simply do not work.

Experts from Eat This put into practice popular dietary superstitions, i.e. golden advice that we hear over and over again, but they have as much in common with weight loss as the proverbial gingerbread and the windmill.

<img class="image lazyloaded imgWithMetaData aligncenter" title="Losing weight is often a complicated and very complex process [WH]" src="data:;base64,” alt=”Losing weight is often a complicated and very complex process [WH]” width=”720″ height=”340″ data-original=”https://ocdn.eu/pulscms-transforms/1/lyIktkqTURBXy9lZWViNDAwNDE2Yzg2MGYxYWMzYjU4NWQ3Yzk1ZDdmMy5qcGVnkpUDAADNAtDNAVSVAs0C0M0BVMLD” />

You’ve probably heard more than once that losing weight is easy, all you need to do is not eat as much and move a little. While this seems logical, it is actually just patronizing and vague.

If losing weight were so easy, there would be no overweight or obese people and no need to lose weight at all. Scientists have proven this.

What is it really like?

Losing weight is often a complicated and very complex process. It is influenced by our emotional state, stress, mental and emotional barriers and the diseases we suffer from. To achieve lasting results, you need a good plan tailored to your specific needs, which will determine how many calories you should consume, how often to exercise and what to do if there are no results.

When we think about a diet, we most often cut out fat and are less willing to give up sugar. This is another myth. While this may seem like good advice, we actually need fats, healthy ones, of course.

What is it really like?

Although fats are more caloric than sugars, they will help you feel full for longer. They also have other important health and weight loss benefits. Healthy fats can fight inflammation and keep your brain healthy. Fatty foods such as salmon, eggs, avocados and olive oil are rich in nutrients that can even accelerate the burning of accumulated fat.

Instead of exercising with results, we are hysterically afraid that when training with weights, instead of losing weight, we will gain weight. And that’s not true!

What is it really like?

Cardio training burns calories, but its best friend is strength training, which will build muscle underneath the fat while burning calories and increasing your metabolism. Although cardio alone will help you lose a few pounds, it will not help you achieve optimal fat loss. Result? We are smaller physically, but still have a lot of fat inside.


<img class="image lazyloaded imgWithMetaData" title="Unfortunately, there is no evidence that detox diets work [BI]" src="data:;base64,” alt=”Unfortunately, there is no evidence that detox diets work [BI]” width=”790″ height=”790″ data-original=”https://ocdn.eu/pulscms-transforms/1/PdwktkuTURBXy80MTBhZDhmNy1jYWNiLTQ2YjMtOWIzMC0zZjJmZmJlMzA2YzQuanBlZ5KVAwAAzQPozQPolQLNAxbNAxbCww” />

This is the latest bad advice that gives us vain hopes of losing weight quickly without making any sacrifices in the long run. There is a common belief that in order to lose weight, we need to remove toxins from our body and cleanse ourselves of all the bad things that have accumulated in our bodies. It does not work like that.

What is it really like?

Unfortunately, there is no evidence that detox diets work. Some of them may have even deplorable effects and deprive our body of essential nutrients. The best diet to detoxify your body is a rational, healthy diet, drinking water and avoiding harmful substances such as stimulants and processed foods. Remember that you already have a liver that will do a great job of organizing everything else once you stop making life difficult for it!

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