JOHESU and AHPA Begin Nationwide Seven-Day Warning Strike Over Unmet Demands

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Health workers in Nigeria, under the Joint Health Sectors Union (JOHESU) and the Assembly of Healthcare Professional Associations (AHPA), have declared a seven-day nationwide warning strike, set to begin at midnight on October 25. JOHESU National President Kabiru Minjibir announced the strike following an expanded National Executive Council meeting, stating that the government’s lack of response to crucial demands had prompted this action.

Minjibir highlighted that, despite assurances from the government, significant issues remain unresolved. He emphasized that if the government fails to address these demands within the seven-day period, JOHESU may proceed with an indefinite strike.

Among JOHESU’s key demands are the immediate implementation of the Consolidated Health Salary Structure (CONHESS) adjustment, prompt payment of 25% arrears for the 2023 CONHESS review, and the clearing of nine months of outstanding salaries for regulatory agency workers. Additional demands include restoring funding to the Environmental Health Regulatory Council and reconstituting governing boards of federal health institutions.

The union expressed commitment to dialogue but noted that, thus far, the government has not made efforts to prevent the strike, which JOHESU views as a necessary step to ensure the welfare and working conditions of health sector employees. The union previously issued a 15-day ultimatum on October 10, which expired without significant action from the government.

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