Electricity Distribution Companies in Northern Nigeria Face Severe Power Shortages

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Four electricity distribution companies serving most of Northern Nigeria have been allocated a mere 160 megawatts as prolonged blackouts continue to affect 15 states in the region. According to data from the national grid, as of 7:30 PM on Wednesday, Yola DisCo received 30 MW, Kano DisCo 20 MW, Kaduna DisCo 50 MW, and Jos DisCo 60 MW, highlighting a significant undersupply amid ongoing challenges in the Nigerian Electricity Supply Industry (NESI).

In contrast, Abuja DisCo, Ikeja Electric, and Eko DisCo have reported load allocations of 895 MW, 759 MW, and 694 MW, respectively, underscoring the disparity in power distribution across the country.

The Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) has attributed the ongoing power outages to issues with its 330kV Ugwaji–Apir Double Circuit transmission lines, which tripped due to a fault. This incident led to a forced power outage affecting the North East, North West, and parts of North Central Nigeria.

In a statement, TCN explained that on Wednesday morning, the Ugwuaji–Markurdi 330kV Line 2 tripped, resulting in a transfer of 243 MW to Line 1. However, Line 1 subsequently tripped as well, leading to a total loss of 468 MW. Attempts to restore functionality to both lines were unsuccessful as they tripped immediately.

Teams of linesmen were dispatched to trace the fault along the 215 km route, which includes 245 transmission towers. Despite navigating difficult terrains, including swamps and rivers, the patrol teams were unable to locate the fault. Compounding the issue, the Enugu Region team faced delays due to a ‘sit-at-home’ directive in the South East.

Currently, TCN has managed to restore supply to the 132kV transmission line from New Haven to Apir; however, the 330kV lines remain out of service, adversely affecting power supply in Northern Nigeria. The Shiroro-Mando transmission line is also down due to security concerns, further exacerbating the power outages in the region.

TCN is working diligently to trace the cause of the outage and is committed to making necessary repairs to restore bulk power supply. The company has expressed its apologies to the government and electricity consumers in the affected states, acknowledging the difficult conditions faced by the patrol teams.

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