Obasanjo Addresses Regionalism as a Core Issue in Nigeria

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Former President Olusegun Obasanjo, during a visit from the League of Northern Democrats in Abeokuta, emphasized that regionalism remains a significant challenge for Nigeria, characterizing it as the root of the nation’s problems. He pointed out that the regional divide established at Nigeria’s independence in 1960 continues to influence the country’s political and social landscape.

Obasanjo stated, “Where a leader hails from does not matter. Rather, what he brings to the table in terms of development and governance should matter.” This sentiment was directed at the group’s leadership, which included former Kano State Governor Ibrahim Shekarau.

He expressed concern over the name of the organization, suggesting it should adopt a more inclusive identity. “One of the things that led us to where we are today… is regionalism. Whenever I hear ‘North’, ‘East’ or ‘West’, I get frightened. Your name would have been ‘National League of Democrats’, instead of ‘Northern League of Democrats’. But you must start somewhere.”

While acknowledging the group’s right to be concerned about Nigeria’s future, Obasanjo stressed the importance of addressing the underlying issues that contribute to division. He concluded with a reminder that “Nigeria is greater than all of us and we should see it as a holistic entity,” urging unity in efforts to correct the nation’s challenges

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