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The Defence Headquarters (DHQ) announced on Wednesday that Ex-Seaman Abbas Haruna has been found guilty by a Military General Court-Martial on three charges: disobedience to orders, resisting arrest, and offences relating to public service property.

Haruna was demoted from Able Seaman to Ordinary Seaman for the charge of disobedience to orders. He received a dismissal with ignominy for the charges of resisting arrest and offences concerning public service property, effective from February 7, 2023.

Brigadier General Tukur Gusau, Director of Defence Information, provided details during a briefing in Abuja. Haruna, with service number N-5759, faced charges under Sections 56(1), 86(1), and 66(C) of the Armed Forces Act, CAP 820, Laws of the Federation, 2004.

The misconduct occurred during a parade, part of a coordinating conference led by the commanding officer addressing troops for Operation Ayam Akpatuma. During this address, Haruna repeatedly interrupted, leading to an order for him to report to the guardroom. Haruna refused to comply with this order.

Following his refusal, the commanding officer ordered his arrest. Haruna resisted arrest and opened fire, expending 16 rounds of ammunition belonging to the Nigerian Navy, in an attempt to prevent other soldiers from detaining him.

An investigation ensued, resulting in a recommendation for trial by court-martial. The court-martial was conducted from December 20, 2022, to February 7, 2023.

Brigadier General Gusau emphasized that as a serving personnel, Haruna was subject to military laws and the proceedings were conducted in accordance with those laws.

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