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Indigenous Lagosians, represented by De Renaissance Patriots, have refuted rumors regarding the alleged death of retired Major General Tajudeen Olanrewaju, former Minister of Communications.

A false message circulating online claimed Olanrewaju had died in a fatal accident, stating that burial arrangements were pending. The message read: “O8076359288: Our condolences on the death of Tajudeen Olanrewaju Adeniji… the burial day will be announced later.”

Olanrewaju dismissed the claims as fake news propagated by scammers, expressing concerns that it might be part of a sinister plot against him. He stated, “I’m not Adeniji. The mobile number mentioned is not mine. I did not die in an accident. This is typical of hackers or politically motivated individuals aiming to embarrass someone. It could be a forewarning of an evil plan against me. Allah protects His servants, and I am alive by His grace.”

Baba Martins, a trustee of the group, also condemned the rumors, asserting that Olanrewaju was neither dead nor involved in any accident. He warned that those wishing harm upon the general would face consequences similar to those faced by historical figures like Fir’aun and Abraha. Martins emphasized the group’s vigilance, stating, “We are watching our backs, so they should watch theirs too.”

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