Hustle & marry rich girl – Rudeboy advises men to change financial expectations

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Paul Okoye, also known as Rudeboy from the PSquare group, recently took to his social media platforms to advocate for a shift in the expectations around financial stability in relationships. He expressed concern over the increasing pressure on men to achieve financial success before entering into relationships or marriage with women.

In his message, Rudeboy urged men to focus on their own financial growth and suggested that they consider marrying financially secure women to challenge traditional gender norms. He emphasized the need for both genders to strive for financial independence and not limit expectations based on gender stereotypes.

Rudeboy’s advice comes amidst societal discussions about gender roles and financial expectations in relationships. His recent marriage to Ivy Ifeoma Iboko, which took place in a traditional ceremony in Igbere, Abia State, reflects his personal stance on these issues.

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