5 states with the most expensive domestic flight tickets

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In April 2024, the cost of domestic flight tickets in Nigeria showed significant regional variations, with certain states and regions experiencing higher average fares compared to others. Here’s a breakdown of the states and regions with the most expensive flight tickets based on the latest data:

### States with the Most Expensive Domestic Flight Tickets

1. **Kano State**
– Average Fare: ₦96,500 per trip

2. **Ogun State**
– Average Fare: ₦95,500 per trip

3. **Enugu State**
– Average Fare: ₦95,000 per trip

4. **Rivers State**
– Average Fare: ₦95,000 per trip

5. **Kebbi State**
– Average Fare: ₦94,500 per trip

### Regional Breakdown of Average Airfares (April 2024)

1. **North West Zone**
– Average Fare: ₦92,128.57

2. **South West Zone**
– Average Fare: ₦92,033.33

3. **South South Zone**
– Average Fare: ₦89,833.33

4. **North East Zone**
– Average Fare: ₦89,733.33

5. **South East Zone**
– Average Fare: ₦86,700

6. **North Central Zone**
– Average Fare: ₦84,571.43 (lowest among regions)

### Insights from the Data

– **North West Zone** recorded the highest average domestic flight fare at ₦92,128.57, indicating higher costs for air travel in this region.
– **South East Zone** had the lowest regional average fare at ₦86,700, still reflecting significant variation compared to the North West.
– **States like Kano, Ogun, Enugu, Rivers, and Kebbi** stood out with the highest average fares per trip, emphasizing the disparity in air travel costs across the country.
– The overall national average fare for domestic flights in April 2024 was ₦89,189.19, marking a 19% increase from the previous year, indicating a challenging economic environment impacting air travel costs.

### Conclusion

The data highlights substantial differences in domestic flight ticket prices across Nigeria’s states and regions, influenced by factors such as demand, infrastructure, and economic conditions. Understanding these variations is crucial for travelers and stakeholders in the aviation sector to navigate pricing strategies and plan travel effectively.

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