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Saturday, February 8, 2025


Must read

Jay Fiona
Jay Fiona
Personal blog
2 mn read

Arranged marriages, a longstanding tradition in various cultures worldwide, face scrutiny regarding their relevance and success as societies progress.

5 reasons why you should go for an arranged marriage in 2022

Here are 5 reasons why arranged marriages may encounter challenges in contemporary society:

1. Evolving Individual Preferences:
In modern times, individuals often have distinct preferences for their partners and relationships. With increased personal autonomy, people now prefer choosing their own life partners based on mutual love, shared interests, and compatible values rather than having a spouse selected for them. This shift can lead to dissatisfaction or a lack of commitment in arranged marriages where personal preferences are not considered.

2. Attitudes Towards Divorce:
Compared to previous generations, the stigma surrounding divorce has significantly decreased. More individuals view divorce as a viable option if a marriage becomes untenable rather than remaining in an unhappy relationship. This reduced fear of divorce may result in less willingness to compromise or work through challenges in arranged marriages where the initial emotional connection may be lacking.

3. Focus on Career and Personal Goals:
Women, in particular, are increasingly prioritizing their careers and personal aspirations, mirroring the pursuits of their male counterparts. In cultures with arranged marriage traditions, this shift can lead to conflicts if the arrangement does not support a woman’s career and personal goals. Traditional expectations in arranged marriages may not align with the modern roles and aspirations that women are embracing.

4. Cultural Integration and Globalization:
As societies become more diverse and interconnected, the cultural rationale behind arranged marriages is being diluted. Exposure to different lifestyles and relationship models challenges the perceived restrictions of traditional arranged marriages. Additionally, global media and narratives emphasizing romantic love contribute to a preference for “love marriages” over arranged ones.

5. Emphasis on Personal Growth and Compatibility:
Contemporary individuals prioritize personal growth, mental well-being, and emotional compatibility in their relationships. Arranged marriages, which may prioritize social, economic, or familial compatibility, may overlook these essential aspects of a partnership. Modern individuals seek deep personal connections and mutual understanding from their spouses, qualities that may not be guaranteed in arranged marriages.

While arranged marriages can still succeed under favorable circumstances, these shifting societal dynamics suggest why they may not be as successful or desirable in today’s era. Each reason reflects significant changes in societal norms and expectations, indicating a need for adaptation in the practice of arranging marriages to better align with the aspirations and needs of modern individuals.

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